Young nurse helping older man with physical therapy

What To Expect

What To Expect

Sacred Journey Hospice’s interdisciplinary team of professionally trained staff members and volunteers is committed to providing compassionate care with a holistic approach aimed at comforting the patient and the family.

Before determining which type of care is best for you or your loved one, we first ask what your goals and hopes are for hospice care. These goals form the foundation of our plan of care. Just as important as the agreed care goals, our care strategies evolve to remain in line with these goals as patients’ needs change.

Some of the services that the caring staff of Sacred Journey Hospice can provide in the comfort of your own home include:

  • Physical care, including medical and nursing services
  • Pain control and symptom management
  • Family education regarding patient care, medications, and expectations
  • Practical care such as bathing and assistance with daily activities
  • Prescription medications, medical supplies, and equipment related to the diagnosis
  • Spiritual and emotional support
  • Professional grief counseling and support
  • Integrative and expressive therapies such as pet, music, and art are available in our inpatient unit


Next: Admission Process